Fiche cheval franciscan rock

R5C5haiegroupe i 6134punchestown4700M300000the ladbrokes champion stayers hurdle (grade 1)11 partantsdépart à 17:00
19teahupooH7(23)1h4h1hj.w. kennedy/105:56
21asterion forlongeH101s(23)2h5s2hp. townend/16 l
34home by the leeH9(23)5h3h(22)j.j. slevin/1tete
42buddy oneH7(23)Ah5h1h3hj.g. gilligan/11/2 l
511whatcouldhavebeenF61h5h3h(23)4ha.p. kelly/13 l
63franciscan rockH7(23)7h4sTs3hr.a. doyle/13 l 1/2
710lantry ladyF61h(23)1hrachael blackmore/112 l
85monkfishH101h(23)9h2hp.w. mullins/119 l
98summerville boyH122h2h(23)2h0hd.j. o'keeffe/119 l
6no looking backH6(23)3h2h(22)p.t. enright/1
7sire du berlaisH127h(23)3h4hm.p. walsh/1

R6C3haiegroupe iii 8853cheltenham4200M116139coral cup handicap hurdle (class 1)(premier handicap)25 partantsdépart à 15:15
Non-partants : 2 - 5 - 23 - 25
21ballyadamH9(23)3h3s1s2srachael blackmore/13 l
2maxxumH76h1h(23)Ah5hjake coen/1
319shanbally kidH78h(23)4s8h1hj. m. o'sullivan/11 l 1/4
417lucky placeH52h2h(23)1h2hjames bowen/1cte tete
516franciscan rockH7(23)7h4sTs3hricky doyle/14 l
624black bambooH76h(23)6h1h5hsean flanagan/11 l 1/2
73da capo gloryH73h1h(23)Ah5hmr darragh allen/12 l
94beacon edgeH102h(23)4hAh1hdanny gilligan/11 l
5first streetH73h(23)3h2s3hpaul o'brien/1
110langer danH80h(23)9hAh6hharry skelton/105:32
822rambo tH79h(23)1h6h3hgavin sheehan/11 l 3/4
107brazilH60h(23)0p1pAhaidan kelly/11/2 l
1120lombronH57h4h(23)1h3hdaniel mullins/13/4 l
1221doddiethegreatH84h(23)2h1hnico de boinville/11/2 l
136might iH8(23)3s1s2s5hjonathan burke/1encolure
1414built by ballymoreH61h(23)1h8h5pj. j. slevin/13 l 1/2
158finest evermoreF8(22)1hAh(21)brian hayes/12 l
1612sa majesteH6(23)1h6h(22)mark walsh/11 l 1/2
1715bensonH90h4h1h(23)4hryan mania/19 l
1818guard your dreamsH84h5h(22)Th3hsam twiston-davies/12 l
199mark of goldH71hTh(23)4h5hrob hargreaves/119 l
11jigoroH53h2h(23)1h2hjack kennedy/1
13western foldH51h(23)Th5h1hsam ewing/1
23supreme giftH72hAs(23)4s1sharry cobden/1
25zanndabadH52h(23)0h7p0pdaniel king/1

R7C4haiegroupe i 24866punchestown4790M125000the irish mirror novice hurdle (grade 1)9 partantsdépart à 16:32
15gaelic warriorH51h1h(22)1hp. townend/106:10
21affordale furyH56h(22)Th1h1hd. mcmenamin/19 l 1/2
34franciscan rockH63h1h2h2hr.a. doyle/15 l 1/2
43favori de champdouH8(22)1h1h1hd.j. o'keeffe/1cte tete
57kalanisi starH67h(22)5h1h1hp.t. enright/13 l
62embassy gardensH71h(22)4h2h5hd e mullins/13 l 1/2
76harry des ongraisH65h(22)3h2h1hrachael blackmore/1cte tete
89whatcouldhavebeenF52h4h4h1h3hs.w. flanagan/13/4 l
8salvador ziggyH7(22)1h1h1h1hm.p. walsh/1

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